
Raid Shadow Legends – The Complete Guide to Dominating the Realm

Raid Shadow Legends is a free-to-play mobile and PC role-playing game developed by Plarium. It features hundreds of collectible champions with unique skills and abilities to fight in story-driven campaigns and dungeons.

Set in the fantasy world of Teleria, Raid Shadow Legends has players summoning champions to battle the forces of evil and complete missions. With each battle, champions gain experience points to level up, unlocking new abilities. Players must strategically upgrade champions with better gear and masteries to create powerful teams.

With stunning visuals and strategic turn-based combat, Raid offers an immersive RPG experience on mobile and PC. The massive roster of champions and constant updates with new content make for endless gameplay possibilities.

How to Play Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends gameplay revolves around collecting champions to upgrade and assemble into teams. Players battle through campaigns, dungeons, clan boss fights, and arena matches.

In campaigns, the story unfolds through battles across 15 locations. Dungeons offer gear, potions, and other rewards when defeated. Fighting the clan boss earns clan points, while the arena allows for player vs player combat.

Battles are turn-based, with players using champion skills and attacks to defeat waves of enemies. Strategy involves managing skills cooldowns, buffs and debuffs, placing crowd control effects, and sustaining your team. Defeating enemies grants XP to level up champions and gear drops for upgrades.

As gameplay progresses, harder dungeons unlocks along with new features like masteries. The deeper players delve into Raid, the more complex team building and strategy becomes.

With 60+ million downloads, Raid has become one of the most popular RPGs thanks to:

  • Hundreds of champions to collect, each with unique skills and visual designs.
  • Frequent updates that introduce new champions, story campaigns, dungeons, and features.
  • Stunning graphics and animations that bring battles to life.
  • Deep strategic gameplay and endless team composition possibilities.
  • Social features like clans and arenas to battle other players.
  • Massive content depth for months of gameplay.
  • Free-to-play friendly while offering optional in-game purchases.

The extensive content, constant updates, social gameplay, and collection aspect gives Raid an addictive quality that RPG fans appreciate. Both casual and hardcore gamers can find enjoyment building teams, battling AI, and competing in PvP.

Choosing Your Starter Champion

When first starting Raid Shadow Legends, players choose a starter champion from Kael, Athel, Galek, or Elhain. This champion will be in your team for early gameplay, so choose wisely.

Raid Shadow Legends Kael

Kael is often recommended as the best starter champion due to his AoE poison damage skills. His poisons help clear waves of enemies fast. He also provides good sustain with a heal and increase speed buff. Kael can carry teams into late game content.

Athel brings AoE damage and healing to keep teams alive. She has multi-hit attacks that are strong against clan boss and good accuracy for landing debuffs. Athel is easy to build and useful for early progression.

Galek has AoE damage abilities with some crowd control effects. He can place provoke on enemies to divert damage away from your team. Galek scales well into late game as a damage threat.

Elhain excels at AoE damage to quickly clear waves. She can place weaken debuffs to increase team damage output. Elhain is a great early game damage champion and useful in arena.

When starting out, focus on fully ascending your starter champion first. Upgrade their skills and equip them with lifesteal gear from early campaign rewards. This will give you a strong early game carry champion to progress.

Building Your Team

A typical team has 1 attack champion, 1 support champion, and 3 damage dealers. Look for champions that fill key roles:

  • Attack – Increases turn meter, places buffs on your team
  • Defense – Protects allies with shields and heals
  • Support – Decreases enemy turn meter, places debuffs
  • Damage – AoE and single target damage abilities

Aim for champion synergies that complement each other. For example, pairing attack up buffs with AoE damage dealers. Try combining crowd control effects from support champions with damage nukers to defeat waves and bosses.

Early teams can include farmable rares like Warmaiden for AoE decrease defense. Spirithost increases attack for your DPS champions. Farm campaign levels for gear to equip your champions based on their role.

Also join a clan as soon as possible. Clan members can provide champion suggestions to improve your team composition over time. Test teams out in dungeons, arena, and clan boss to see what works best.

Leveling Up and Progressing

Gaining XP allows champions to reach higher levels, increasing their stats and battle performance. Prioritize leveling your starter champion and main damage dealers first.

Campaign battles offer the most efficient way to gain XP and level up champions early on. Progress through normal mode first, then move onto hard, brutal, and nightmare difficulties. Later stages give more XP but are much harder.

As your champions reach higher levels, you’ll need to rank them up. Ranking up requires sacrifice champions to evolve into stronger versions. Rank them up to increase rarity from common -> uncommon -> rare -> epic -> legendary.

Higher ranked champions have better base stats and can reach higher levels. Try to always rank up your starter first, then other key champions for progression. Ranking up is vital to completing harder campaign stages and dungeons.

Various XP boosts can accelerate leveling. Usebrews from challenges for bonus XP per battle. Activate XP boosts from the tavern. Equip XP banners on your champion for passive XP gains in battles.

Reaching the max level of 60 is key for your starter and main damage dealers. Highly ranked 60s can clear content much easier through raw stats and damage output.

Completing Quests and Dungeons

Completing quests provides rewards like gems, brews, accessories, and gear. Prioritize main quest lines to progress through the story and unlock features like masteries.

raid shadow legends Dungeons

Faction wars quests have you battling with specific factions for bonuses. Daily and weekly quests also give useful progression rewards. Set quests to auto-complete when possible to save time.

Dungeons are essential for gear, potions, and ascending champions. Work on Field Stages first for basic starter gear. As you progress, Magic Keep, Spirit Keep, and Force Keep will provide potions for ascending champions. Arcane Keep offers accessories like banners and rings.

Clan Boss provides some of the best gear drops in the game. Joining an active clan will allow you to contribute damage and earn clan points for clan boss chests. These contain shards, tomes, silver, gems, and 6-star epic/legendary gear.

Work on completing Minotaur’s Labyrinth to unlock Masteries which give bonuses and additional skills. Dragon’s Lair offers speed, accuracy, and lifesteal gear sets vital for progression. Slowly clearing higher stages of dungeons will get you ready for endgame.

Types of Champions

Raid Shadow Legends has over 600 collectible champions divided into 16 factions. Each champion has unique skills and abilities for different battle roles.

The main types of champions are:

  • Attack – Boost ally turn meters, place buffs
  • Defense – Shield and heal allies
  • Support – Debuff enemies, turn meter control
  • HP – Tanky champions that can take hits
  • Damage – AoE and single target damage dealers

You’ll also find more specialized champions like:

  • Revivers – Resurrect fallen allies
  • Block Damage – Prevent all damage for a turn
  • Counterattack – Attack in response to being hit
  • Reflect Damage – Return damage taken back to enemies

Building teams with different champion types creates synergies. Pairing attack up buffs with AoE nukers or combining crowd control with damage dealers are some examples.

Rarities and Affinities

Champions come in four rarities:

  • Common – White border (max level 20)
  • Uncommon – Green border (max level 40)
  • Rare – Blue border (max level 50)
  • Epic – Purple border (max level 60)
  • Legendary – Gold border (max level 60)

Higher rarity champions have better base stats and are stronger in battle. Legendaries are the rarest and most powerful.

There are also 5 primary affinities:

  • Magic – Strong against Spirit
  • Spirit – Strong against Force
  • Force – Strong against Magic
  • Void – No strengths or weaknesses
  • Dark Elves – Weak to Spirit

Matching your champion’s affinity against enemy affinities that they are strong against will deal more damage.

How to Get Champions

There are various ways to obtain champions in Raid:

  • Campaign – Farm campaign stages for rare drops. Higher difficulties have better drop rates for uncommon and rares.
  • Shards – Ancient, Void, and Sacred shards contain random champions when opened.
  • Events – Special events and tournaments award shard prizes.
  • Clan Boss – Clan boss chests can contain shards.
  • Market – Check markets daily for shard offers using gems/coins.
  • Missions – Some quest lines reward shards.
  • Promo Codes – Redeem valid codes for free shards.
  • PvP – Earn arena medals and tags for shard purchases in PvP shops.
  • Clan Shop – Purchase shards using clan points.
  • Battle Pass – Complete missions to earn shards.

Ancient shards have the highest chance to get rare, epic, and legendary champions. Sacred shards guarantee an epic or legendary champion.

Best Champions for Beginners

Some top champions to help early progression include:

  • Warmaiden (Decrease DEF AoE)
  • High Khatun (Speed aura and buffs)
  • Spirithost (Attack buff)
  • Apothecary (Speed, heals)
  • Frozen Banshee (Poison sensitivity)
  • Relickeeper (Damage)
  • Graybeard (Decrease ATK)
  • Sinesha (Damage + Heals)

These farmable rares and login rewards provide great value early on. Pair them with your starter champion to progress quickly.

Best Champions for Endgame

Some of the top legendary champions for late game and end game content:

  • Martyr (Counterattack + Defense)
  • Valkyrie (Ally attack + Shields)
  • Kymar (Reset cooldowns)
  • Siphi the Lost Bride (Revive + Block Damage)
  • Duchess Lilitu (Revive + Veil)
  • Tyrant Ixlimor (HP Burn + Provoke)
  • Venus (Poisons + Decrease DEF)
  • Septimus (Decrease DEF + Damage)
  • Arbiter (Revive + Speed Boost)

Legendaries like these dominate in hard doom tower floors, clan boss, arena, and hydra content due to their strong skills. Pairing them with good epics and rares will provide endgame clearing capability.

Having a diverse mix of affinity, classes, and skills ensures you can build teams capable of handling any high level content. Chase top tier legendaries through events, clan boss chests, and shard pulls.


Types of Equipment

Equipping champions with gear is vital to enhancing their combat performance. There are several types of equipment in Raid:

  • Weapon – Boosts attack
  • Helm – Provides health and defense
  • Shield – Adds additional defense
  • Gauntlets – Increases critical rate
  • Chestplate – Improves health and defense
  • Boots – Adds speed
  • Banner – Gives bonus stats
  • Amulet – Adds resistance and accuracy
  • Ring – Increases critical damage

Weapons, helms, shields, and chestplates also add main stats like attack, defense, HP, and more depending on rarity.

Gear comes in Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary rarities. Higher rarity gear has better substats and main stat rolls. Sets range from Life, Speed, Accuracy, Destroy, Toxic, and more.

How to Get Equipment

Gear drops from:

  • Campaign stages
  • Dungeons (Dragon & Spider recommended)
  • Clan boss chests
  • Events/tournaments
  • Forging
  • Crafting

Campaign battles award 1-2 star gear early on. By stage 7 and higher you can get 4-5 star epic gear. Farming campaign in later difficulties drops 5-6 star gear.

Dungeons provide the best source for 5 and 6 star gear. Dragon offers Life, Speed, Accuracy, and other vital sets. Spider drops HP% and Defense% stat gear. Farm stage 20 dungeons for guaranteed 6 star epic and legendary gear.

Clan boss chests based on damage tier can give 6 star epic/legendary gear plus charms and gems. Keep fighting higher difficulties for better chests.

Check Events/Tournaments for gear rewards from placing high in leaderboards. The mine offers crafting materials to craft gloves, chestplates and boots. Forging 6 star pieces requires farming arcane dungeon for silver.

Upgrading and Enchanting Equipment

Upgrading gear ranks it up in rarity and strengthens the main stat. Use silver and brews/charms for upgrade chances without losing levels on failure.

Getting gear to +16 enhances main stats drastically. For 6 star gear take weapon, helmet, shield and chestplate to +16 first. Get amulet, ring and banner to +8 at least.

Enchanting gear utilizes glyphs earned from clan boss for upgrading substats. You can increase speed, crit rate, accuracy and other substats this way. Carefully enchant gear on key champions first.

For starter sets, focus on Life and Speed. Life gear keeps your team alive, speed allows them to take turns faster. Later mix in Accuracy, Perception, Cruel and other sets for damage/debuffing.

Try to hit stat thresholds like 170 speed for beginners, 200+ for midgame, and 300+ for endgame play. Enough accuracy to land debuffs is also crucial. Stack HP%, DEF% and SPD substats wherever possible.

Best Equipment for Beginners

Early game focus on sets like:

  • Lifesteal – Vital for sustainability in prolonged fights. Farmable in campaign.
  • Speed – More turns allows champions to use skills faster.
  • Accuracy – Needed to land debuffs consistently. Farmable in campaign.
  • Cruel – Increases critical hit chance. Drops from campaign and dungeons.

For stats prioritize:

  • Speed on boots
  • HP% Chestplate
  • ATK% on gloves for damage dealers
  • DEF% on gloves for support/tanks
  • Crit rate on helms and substats

This balance of stats and sets will help you start clearing content like clan boss, dungeons, and arena fairly smoothly.

Best Equipment for Endgame

Endgame gear focuses on sets like:

  • Speed – Enables cutting in and faster turns
  • Perception – Boosts accuracy for debuffs
  • Immunity – Prevent debuff placement
  • Savage – Increases critical damage
  • Reflex – Chance for bonus turns
  • Stalwart – Damage Mitigation

For stats you want:

  • 100% crit rate
  • High crit damage
  • 170-200+ speed
  • Good accuracy
  • High HP%/DEF% rolls

Getting the right substat rolls on 6 star legendary gear makes a huge difference against ultra hard doom tower bosses, high clan boss difficulties, and in late game arena.

Perfect substat gear can take months of dragon and spider farming. Keep crafting glyphs and upgrading top tier epic/legendary gear to advance endgame teams.


Team Composition

Assembling an effective team is crucial to conquering dungeons, campaign stages, and arena matches. Teams require a balance of roles:

  • Attack – Speed up your team with turn meter boosts and attack buffs.
  • Defense – Keep your team alive using heals, shields, and revives.
  • Support – Place debuffs on enemies and control turn meters.
  • Damage – Use AoE and single target damage to defeat waves.

Ideally build teams with:

  • 1 Attack Champion
  • 1-2 Defense Champions
  • 1-2 Support Champions
  • 1-2 Damage Champions

Support and damage can be combined in some champions. Make sure you have a good mixture of skills and buffs/debuffs covered.

Also consider affinities to counter enemy factions you face. Bring AOE damage against waves or single target damage on bosses. Mix up crowd control, provoke tanks, heals, and damage mitigation as needed.

Team Synergy

When designing teams look for synergies between champions:

  • Ally attack skills + AOE damage dealers
  • Increase speed buffs into turn meter boosts
  • Decrease defense before big nukers attack
  • Extend debuff durations for longer crowd control

Proper speed tuning ensures your buffs and debuffs are sequenced correctly. Make your attack buffer faster than your nuker for example.

Landing stuns, freezes, and provokes before the enemy team can act allows you to lock them down. Combining HP burn with decrease HP skills quickly destroys bosses.

The more you coordinate champion skills, buffs, debuffs, and turns the more success you’ll find. Test team compositions thoroughly to identify weak spots.

Best Teams for Different Content

Campaign – AOE damage and crowd control dominates campaign waves. Add in healers/revivers to keep your team alive.

Dungeons – Speed down on bosses, then HP damage. Use buff stripping and healing as needed.

Clan Boss – Decrease ATK/DEF, poison sensitivity, poisons, and damage mitigation for sustained damage.

Arena – Turn meter control and speed boosts to act first. Burst down opponents with AOE nukes before they move.

Doom Tower – Crowd control assets like provoke, stun, and fear to lock down enemies. Cleanse and heal against powerful debuffs.

Different areas of the game call for tailored team building. Having a diverse champion pool lets you pivot your lineup as needed to counter specific dungeon mechanics or waves.

Test team adjustments in each battle area. Swap champions out until you find the ideal complementary skills and roles to dominate fights.


What are Masteries?

Masteries are bonus skill trees that enhance your champions’ abilities and attributes. There are three types:

  • Offense – Boosts damage and debuffs
  • Defense – Improves survivability
  • Support – Utility bonuses like experience gain

Masteries provide set bonuses, stat boosts, upgraded skills, and more. Investing in masteries makes a big impact when clearing content.

Champions earn mastery points from scrolling in Minotaur’s Labyrinth. Tier 6 masteries require completing Minotaur 15 which unlocks after finishing Brutal campaign.

How to Unlock and Upgrade Masteries

To unlock masteries:

  1. Clear Minotaur stages up to your highest tier unlock.
  2. Earn scrolls from Minotaur to gain mastery points.
  3. Use gems to unlock tiers – Offense and Defense first.
  4. Spend mastery points to acquire each bonus.
  5. Upgrade along connected paths leading to Tier 6 masteries.

It takes 800 scrolls to fully fill out one specialization tree. Focus on your starter then important damage dealers first.

Offense and Defense masteries should take priority. Support can wait until later progression when you have spare scrolls.

Aim to acquire Tier 6 masteries like Giant Slayer, Warmaster, Flawless Execution, and Eagle Eye first. These provide the biggest combat boosts.

Spending gems to unlock tiers instantly saves having to re-farm scrolls when desired masteries are just out of reach. Speeds up progression.

Best Masteries for Different Champions


  • Giant Slayer
  • Warmaster
  • Sniper

HP Burn/Bombers

  • Giant Slayer
  • Warmaster
  • Master Hexer


  • Master Hexer
  • Cycle of Magic
  • Lore of Steel


  • Flawless Execution
  • Kill Streak
  • Helmsmasher


  • Master Healer
  • Lore of Steel
  • Cycle of Magic


  • Taunt
  • Retribution
  • Deterrence

Choose masteries that accentuate your champions’ skills and roles. Picking the right bonuses turns average champions into powerhouses.

Work towards unlocking Tier 6 as soon as possible on key champions. Having Giant Slayer, Warmaster, Flawless Execution activated makes a monumental difference against bosses and waves.


Arena Types

There are several arena modes in Raid for PvP combat:

Classic Arena

  • Battle players in real-time matches
  • Climb from Bronze up to Gold IV
  • Earn medals for Great Hall upgrades

Tag Team Arena

  • 2v2 format with ally champion
  • Earn tag coins for weekly rewards
  • Progress through leagues for medals

Doom Tower

  • Battle preset teams on each floor
  • Earn stones for accessories
  • Rotates monthly between Normal and Hard

3v3 Arena

  • Assemble 3 champions for matches
  • Unlocked after completing campaign
  • Earn barred bars for the bazaar


  • Weekly clan boss with multiple heads
  • All clan members attack together
  • Heads have unique mechanics to counter

Arena Rewards

Winning arena matches provides the following rewards:

  • Medal and coins for shops
  • Weekly chests based on tier
  • Great Hall upgrades for bonus stats
  • Challenges for gear, gems, energy
  • Missions and quests progression
  • Events and tournament points

Great Hall bonuses can add hundreds of additional points in critical stats for your champions. Fully upgrading it makes a substantial difference.

Your weekly chest tier depends on your highest classic arena rank achieved before weekly reset. Reach Gold IV for the best legendary books and gear drops.

Shop purchases include shards, skill tomes, gear, accessories and more. Save medals/coins each week to buy valuable resources.

How to Climb the Arena Ladder

Reaching higher tiers in arena requires optimal teams and strategy:

  • Speed tune your champions precisely. Use speed auras, boosts, high speed gear.
  • Build a nuke team – AOE damage to wipe teams quickly.
  • Have buffs/debuffs synchronized to amplify damage.
  • Use crowd control like stuns, freezes, provokes to lock down enemy teams.
  • Equip champions in immunity sets to resist debuffs.
  • Manual ultimate abilities to set up kills or counter enemy cooldowns.

Early on you can climb with just high speed and raw damage. But as you reach Gold tiers, you need champions with perfect substats and speed tuned masteries to go first.

Beating late game arena requires a deep roster of legends and epics to build counters against meta defenses. Commit to continuous gear improvements to push higher.

Best Team Compositions

Classic arena offense wants:

  • Speed booster / Turn meter champion (Arbiter, Lyssandra, Gorgorab)
  • Attack up buffer (Spirithost, Gorgorab)
  • Defense down debuffer (Stag Knight, Warmaiden)
  • AOE damage nuke (Trunda, Kael, Athel)

For 3v3 combine crowd control and provoke tanks with damage dealers and support.

Tag team needs sustainability and damage over multiple fights.

Doom tower depends on floor composition – counter enemy mechanics.

Hydra changes weekly – build affinity specific teams tailored to each head.

Having flexibility across different classes and affinities enables you to pivot arena offenses and defenses as needed to counter the enemy.


What are Clans?

Clans allow players to band together for rewards and team progression. By joining a clan, you can:

  • Contribute damage to clan boss battles
  • Receive clan boss chests weekly
  • Get access to the clan shop
  • Team up in clan tournaments
  • Chat and exchange tips with clanmates

Clans have a roster of up to 30 members. Players can request to join open clans or get invited by leaders/deputies.

Contributing clan boss keys allows you to battle the clan boss for rewards. Chests contain shards, books, silver, gems, and gear based on damage tier.

Higher level clans take down harder clan boss difficulties, earning better chests for members. Clans work collectively to improve each other.

Clan Benefits

Here are some major benefits from joining a good clan:

  • Clan boss gear – Endgame clan bosses drop 6 star legendary gear not found anywhere else.
  • Shards – Earn sacred, void, and ancient shards from top chests.
  • Books – Skill tomes for upgrading champion abilities.
  • Gems – Gems help purchase masteries which boost champion power.
  • Clan Shop – Purchase rare resources using clan points earned from clan boss keys.
  • Tournament Points – Clan tournaments award points for rewards.
  • Advice – Learn strategy and champion recommendations from experienced clanmates.

Finding an active clan battling Ultra Nightmare clan boss should be a top priority. The gear and shards will accelerate your account progression tremendously compared to playing solo.

How to Find and Join a Clan

You can browse the clan recruitment channel in discord servers like Raid: Shadow Legends and DeadwoodJedi. Look for clans that match your player power and clan boss key contribution ability.

Before joining, ask questions about clan requirements:

  • Minimum clan boss damage expectations
  • Participation in clan tournaments
  • Number of clan boss keys used daily/weekly
  • External chat requirements (Discord etc)

Look for organized clans with strong leadership that provide guidance to members. Don’t be afraid to move between clans as your roster improves over time.

As your account strengthens and you acquire top tier legendaries, target advanced clans defeating Nightmare and Ultra Nightmare difficulties for the best rewards.

Best Clans for Beginners and Endgamers

Beginners should target clans killing Normal/Hard difficulties. Requirements will be more casual. Focus is on learning mechanics and getting starter access to clan boss gear and shards.

Midgame players can look for clans attempting Nightmare/Ultra Nightmare bosses. Minimum damage expectations will be 10-30 million per key. You’ll need some well equipped 6 star champions.

Endgame players want to join elite clans running purely Ultra Nightmare. Minimums can be 50+ million damage per key depending on account strength. Highly competitive environments with legend packed rosters.

Look for active, experienced clans aligned with your progression level. Don’t get discouraged if declined by top clans as a newer player – build your roster and try again later.

Joining an appropriate clan provides the single biggest boost to account growth and fun in Raid. The social aspect, collective rewards, and team progression make clans well worth the investment.

Advanced Tips and Strategies

Speed Tuning

Speed tuning champions ensures your buffs/debuffs are properly sequenced. Champions move in order of their speed stats, so optimize this carefully:

  • Make attack buffers faster than nuke damage dealers to amplify their AOE attacks.
  • Tune your decrease defense champion to go before your nuker for maximum damage.
  • Use a turn meter booster to cut in and give your team a second turn before enemies can act.

For clan boss, a counterattack champion should be slow enough to lap the boss’ stun rotation. Keep speed ratios consistent across all difficulties by using the clan boss calculator.

Getting your speed order right is crucial to winning tougher arena matches and clearing high end PvE content.

Crowd Control

Landing stuns, freeze, provoke, and fear effects allows you to lock down dangerous enemies before they act.

Pair crowd control champions with damage dealers to defeat waves and bosses while mitigating return damage. Provoke tanks are great for redirecting boss attacks away from your team.

Debuff extenders like Vizier keep enemies permanently provoked and stunned. Freeze is excellent against Fire Knight and Scarab bosses to prevent their turn meter boosts.

Buffs and Debuffs

Pay close attention to the buffs and debuffs in each battle.

  • Time attack up buffs before your AOE champion attacks for bigger damage.
  • Use block damage to negate boss ultimate attacks.
  • Extend debuffs like decrease defense and weaken to capitalize on bonus damage for longer.
  • Cleanse stuns, freezes, and fear to prevent being crowd controlled.

Careful use of buffs and debuffs is key to overcoming floor mechanics in doom tower and higher difficulty dungeons.

Turn Meter Manipulation

Decreasing enemy turn meters while increasing your own allows you to take many more turns in battle.

This turn advantage lets you defeat opponents before they ever get a chance to attack your team. Setting up turn meter boosts into decrease turn meter effects keeps enemies permanently locked down.

Champions with bonuses like extra turns or turn meter fill on kills will rapidly cycle and control the flow of battle once they start rolling.

Turn meter mastery helps boost your team’s speed advantage further. You can also deny boss turn meters to help counter their mechanics.

Tips for Staying Motivated and Progressing

Raid Shadow Legends has an overwhelming amount for new players to learn. Here are some tips to stay motivated and continue making progress:

  • Focus on completing daily and weekly quests for shard rewards and valuable resources. Setting quest goals gives direction and purpose.
  • Join an active clan aligned with your progression to benefit from clan boss and community knowledge. Having a team speeds growth tremendously.
  • Work on Great Hall upgrades through arena medals for nice stat boosts. Even gaining a few levels makes your champions stronger.
  • Research YouTube guides on how to optimize your champions’ builds and masteries. So much quality Raid content exists.
  • Focus on campaign farming initially for food champions, potions, and gear. Clear each difficulty stage once for shards.
  • Save keys, energy, gems, and shards like sacreds and voids for events to maximize rewards. Being patient gets you more value.
  • Don’t spread resources thin by building too many champions at once. Concentrate on your starter and core team first.
  • Log in daily for free energy, weekly quests, clan boss attacks, and events. Consistency compounds over time.

With smart progression tactics, actively engaging in the community, and dedication to daily play, you will continue acquiring better champions and gear. Raid is a long journey, but an immensely rewarding one.

Written by admin

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