
Diablo Immortal – How to Master the Game and Become a Legend

Diablo Immortal is the latest entry in the iconic Diablo franchise of action role-playing games (ARPGs) developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It brings the dark, gothic world of Sanctuary to mobile devices with intuitive touch controls and multiplayer gameplay.

As an always-online ARPG, Diablo Immortal features instanced dungeons, diverse character classes, and mountains of loot to discover as you battle the demonic forces of the Burning Hells. Like previous Diablo games, you’ll slash through hordes of monsters, acquire more powerful gear, and stop the demons from invading Sanctuary.

There are several reasons why Diablo Immortal has proven to be such a popular mobile game:

Diablo Immortal
  • Accessibility – By bringing the Diablo experience to mobile, Blizzard has opened the game up to a massive new audience who can now play on-the-go.
  • Social experience – With shared world areas and cross-play functionality across mobile and PC, playing Diablo Immortal with friends is easier than ever.
  • Familiar gameplay – Long-time Diablo fans will find the core gameplay loop of slaying demons and getting loot very familiar and satisfying.
  • High production values – With detailed 3D graphics and stellar sound design, Diablo Immortal provides an immersive, AAA gaming experience on mobile.
  • Free-to-play model – The free-to-play structure allows anyone to easily try out the game without an upfront cost.

What are the key features of Diablo Immortal?

Diablo Immortal introduces several new features to the series while keeping the classic Diablo gameplay intact:

  • Shared world – Journey through Sanctuary with other players in public zones. Group up to take down elite monsters and cooperate on world events.
  • Controller support – In addition to touch controls, Diablo Immortal offers full controller gameplay for even greater precision and immersion.
  • Expanded classes – The six familiar Diablo classes (Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer and Wizard) make a return with all new abilities.
  • Legendary items – Discover and equip over 100 unique legendary items that empower your class build as you battle through dungeons.
  • Cycle of Strife – Join a player faction and contribute to your side’s effort in the ongoing war between Shadows and Immortals.
  • PvP battlegrounds – Test your mettle against other players in intense 4v4 competitive multiplayer arenas.

Who should play Diablo Immortal?

Diablo Immortal will appeal to a variety of gamers:

  • Long-time Diablo fans who want to experience the series’ signature gameplay on mobile
  • MMO and ARPG enthusiasts looking for rewarding co-op play on the go
  • Loot collector types who love optimizing characters by acquiring rare gear
  • Controllers and touch screen players alike thanks to flexible options
  • Hardcore gamers hungry for competitive PvP battles with skill-based combat

If you enjoy slaying hordes of demons, grinding for epic gear, and mastering RPG systems in an immersive, dark fantasy setting, Diablo Immortal delivers.



Diablo Immortal allows you to choose from six different character classes, each with their own playstyle, skills, and role in group combat.


The Barbarian is a melee juggernaut capable of dealing and absorbing massive amounts of damage. Wielding mighty weapons like enormous swords and battleaxes, the Barbarian excels at close-quarters carnage.

With passive skills like Increased Stamina, Ignore Pain, and Rampage, the Barbarian can become an unstoppable force of nature in the heat of battle. Active skills like Whirlwind, Wrath of the Berserker, and Ancient Spear give you options to charge headfirst into the fray or initiate combat from a distance.

The best Barbarian builds focus on a blend of offense and defense. Prioritize gear with Strength, Vitality, and Armor bonuses to boost your damage and survival.


Clad in sacred armor and wielding blessed weaponry, the Crusader unleashes divine wrath upon the demons of Sanctuary. This mid-range hybrid class specializes in retribution and purification through melee combat, prayers, and aegis.

The Crusader’s passive skills include Holy Cause, Divine Fortress, and Wrathful to enhance your holy abilities. Unleash devastating judgment with active skills like Condemn, Spinning Shield, and Heaven’s Fury.

Gear up your Crusader with items that provide bonuses to Strength, Vitality, and Willpower. Use a one-handed weapon with a shield for balanced offense and defense.

Demon Hunter

With lethal crossbows and deadly Traps, the Demon Hunter obliterates Hell’s soldiers from a distance. Specializing in ranged weapons and gadgets, this agile class excels at killing demons before they can even get close.

The Demon Hunter’s passive skills like Tactical Advantage and Cull the Weak improve mobility and damage against slowed enemies. Rain down destruction from afar with active skills like Impale, Chakram, and Rain of Vengeance.

Stack your Demon Hunter’s gear with Dexterity, Focus, and Fortitude. Crossbows, cloaks, and quivers are ideal items to complement this class.


Master of martial arts, the Monk decimates demons with blindingly fast strikes and purified fists. Weaving between melee and ranged combat, the Monk balances offense with recovery and escapability.

The Monk’s passive skills, including Harmony, Guiding Light, and Beacon of Ytar, enhance your party’s resilience. Disable and destroy enemies using active skills like Lashing Tail Kick, Mystic Allies, and Seven-Sided Strike.

Monk gear should provide bonuses to Strength, Focus, and Vitality. Prioritize fist weapons, staves, and daibos to maximize your damage output.


Manipulating the dark arts of blood and bone, the Necromancer commands an army of undead minions against the demons of Sanctuary. This pet-focused caster uses necromancy damage over time (DoT) skills to overcome enemies.

Passives like Commander of the Dead and Extended Servitude improve your pets and DoTs. Active skills like Grim Scythe, Corpse Explosion, and Command Skeletons add more undead allies to your ranks.

Boost your Necromancer with gear that provides Intelligence, Willpower, and Fortitude. Wands, scythes, and phylacteries complement this class best.


Channeling raw arcane energies, the Wizard unleashes devastating elemental damage from range. With flashy area-of-effect and projectile spells, the Wizard controls the battlefield by freezing, burning, and electrocuting groups of enemies at will.

Passives like Critical Mass and Arcane Dynamo empower the Wizard’s magical arsenal even further. Active skills like Disintegrate, Hydra, and Black Hole obliterate demonic foes with intense elemental fury.

The Wizard’s gear should increase Intelligence, Willpower, and Vitality. Prioritize sources of elemental damage like wands, orbs, and sources.

Skills and Runes

How to Assign Skills and Runes

The Diablo Immortal skill system allows you to customize your gameplay style through unlocking class-specific active and passive abilities. Active skills provide attacks and spells to use against enemies, while passive skills give permanent buffs and bonuses.

Each active skill has five different rune variations that change how the skill functions. The runes provide trade-offs, like increased damage at the cost of cooldown time or vice versa.

You unlock new skills and rune slots by gaining Paragon levels through adventuring and completing objectives. Check your skill page often as you level up to allocate your new runes and abilities.

Aim for build synergy by choosing skills and runes that complement each other and suit your preferred playstyle.

Best Skills and Runes for Each Class

The most effective Diablo Immortal skills and runes for each class include:

  • Barbarian – Whirlwind, Wrath of the Berserker, Furious Charge, Rampage, Increased Stamina
  • Crusader – Condemn, Spinning Shield, Heaven’s Fury, Holy Cause, Divine Fortress
  • Demon Hunter – Impale, Chakram, Vengeance, Tactical Advantage, Cull the Weak
  • Monk – Lashing Tail Kick, Mystic Allies, Seven-Sided Strike, Harmony, Beacon of Ytar
  • Necromancer – Grim Scythe, Command Skeletons, Corpse Explosion, Commander of the Dead, Extended Servitude
  • Wizard – Disintegrate, Hydra, Teleport, Critical Mass, Arcane Dynamo

Check your skill tree frequently while leveling to learn new abilities and experiment with rune variations. Combining mobility, AoE damage, and crowd control skills works well across all classes.


How to Get Items

Diablo Immortal showers you with different types of items to collect as you slay demons and complete objectives. Here are the main ways to acquire gear:

  • Drops – Defeated enemies randomly drop weapons, armor, and accessories scaled to your level. Boss monsters drop more rare and powerful loot.
  • Quest Rewards – Finishing main campaign quests rewards you with rare class-specific items.
  • Crafting – Use materials at the Blacksmith to craft new gear with random properties.
  • Gambling – Gamble unwanted items to try and get upgrades from the Collector at Westmarch.
  • Battle Pass – Free tracks award cosmetic items, paid tracks award legendary gear.
  • PvP Vendors – Use PvP currency to buy legendries from Shadow and Immortal vendors.
  • Elder Rifts – Complete Elder Rifts using Crests for chances at set item drops.

Prioritize sources that reward legendries and set items to empower your build. Higher difficulties increase legendary drop rates.

Best Items for Each Class

Certain legendary and set items synergize best with each class’ skills and playstyle:

  • Barbarian – Band of Might, Bastion of Will, Horde of the Ninety Savages set
  • Crusader – Limbo Stride, Mountain Crusher, Madstone set
  • Demon Hunter – Dawn Blade, Fortress Ballista, Fel Slayer’s Oath set
  • Monk – The Tide, Seven Chakrams, Monkey King’s Garb set
  • Necromancer – Iron Rose, Brittle Touch, Grace of Flagellation set
  • Wizard – Etched Sigil, Triumvirate Authority, Vithu’s Urgency set

Having the full set bonus from your class’ item sets vastly empowers your damage output and survivability. Combine set items with synergistic legendaries.

Dungeons and Rifts

How to Run Dungeons and Rifts

Dungeons and Rifts provide rewarding repeatable content to test your skills and earn epic loot. Here’s how they work:

Diablo Immortal Dungeons and Rifts


  • Found throughout the open world, indicated by beacons of light
  • Enter solo or in a party of up to 4 players
  • Battle through procedural combat challenges room by room
  • Defeat the boss monster at the end to earn loot

Elder Rifts

  • Access via the map using Crests as keys
  • Randomized maps with challenging modifiers
  • Kill as many monsters as possible before time expires
  • Loot chests appear after defeating enough monsters

Helliquary Raids

  • Join raids against uber-versions of campaign bosses
  • Purchase keys by collecting Helliquary relics
  • Earn exclusive rewards like eternal legendary crests

Push to higher difficulties to earn better loot. Focus on dodging enemy abilities and using crowd control.

Best Dungeons and Rifts to Farm

The most rewarding dungeons and rifts to repeatedly run for gear include:

  • Zakarum Temple – Crusader set gloves
  • Mount Zavain – Wizard set belt
  • Cavern of Echoes – Necromancer set shoulders
  • Pit of Anguish – Demon Hunter set quiver
  • Bilefen – Monk set amulet
  • Purus the Decimator – Helliquary boss, eternal legendary crests
  • Vyrs, the Mad – Helliquary boss, eternal legendary crests

Prioritize dungeons that drop set items you need. Use Elder and Legendary Rifts to farm upgrade materials, gems and crest drops.


How to PvP

Diablo Immortal offers intense 4v4 competitive multiplayer through Battlegrounds and the Cycle of Strife. Here is how PvP works:

  • Reach level 43 on your character to unlock PvP
  • Enter the Battlegrounds queue solo or with a party
  • Fight rival player teams in 8v8 deathmatch modes
  • Earn Favor to buy PvP-exclusive legendary items
  • Join the Shadows or Immortals faction when the Rite of Exile begins
  • Help your faction demolish enemy fortresses and secure control points
  • Receive faction PvP rewards like crafting materials and rare items

Communicate and coordinate with your team. Learn the maps, objectives, and ideal class matchups.

Best PvP Builds

Certain class builds and gear loadouts fare best in Diablo Immortal’s PvP modes:

  • Barbarian – Whirlwind rend build with Vithu’s Urgency set
  • Crusader – Heaven’s Fury with Mountebank’s deceit set
  • Demon Hunter – Multi-shot build with Odium set
  • Monk – Seven-sided strike with Monkey King’s Garb set
  • Necromancer – Army of the dead with Grace of Flagellation set
  • Wizard – Disintegrate beam with Zoltun Kulle set

PvP builds maximize burst damage, crowd control abilities, and mobility. Stack your best PvP legendary gems like Berserker’s Eye, Seeping Bile, and Blood-Soaked Jade.



How to Level Quickly

Here are tips to power-level your character efficiently in Diablo Immortal:

  • Always be completing bounties and side quests as you progress through the main story. They provide big XP rewards.
  • Run the main story on Hero difficulty – enemies are tougher but XP gains are much higher.
  • Equip gear with the “Learning” attribute which increases XP from monster kills.
  • Activate an XP booster consumable item before turning in quests.
  • Group up with others – partied players get a multiplier for shared monster kills.
  • Clearing dungeons nets major XP, do them as soon as they’re accessible.
  • Check the daily missions and priorities for XP objectives.
  • Stop to open overworld containers like tombs, chests, and artifacts for XP bursts.
  • Cash in XP capsule items rewarded from daily/weekly activities.

Best Areas to Level In

The most efficient Diablo Immortal zones to level up and grind XP include:

  • Bilefen – densely packed level 50+ monsters
  • Mount Zavain – excellent mob density and dungeons
  • Library of Zoltun Kulle – high enemy frequency, multiple events
  • Temple of Namari – boss runs and great daily quests
  • Pit of Anguish – excellent dungeon for the 40-50 range
  • Realm of Damnation – endgame zone with varied elite monsters

Repeatedly clearing these areas nets huge mob kill XP quickly. Pursue bounties, events, and side dungeons as well. Group up to multiply gains!

Paragon Levels

What are Paragon Levels?

After reaching the max character level of 60 in Diablo Immortal, you begin earning Paragon levels through continued XP gains. Paragon levels are account-wide, meaning all your characters share the same Paragon level and progression.

Paragon levels provide the following bonuses:

  • Primary stat boosts – Strength, Intelligence, etc.
  • Vitality for more health
  • New skill rune slots
  • Higher gear level caps
  • Improved Crest limits
  • Party buffs

Paragon levels are limitless – you can always progress further by gaining XP through endgame activities.

How to Earn Paragon Levels

Here are efficient ways to earn Paragon levels:

  • Farm mobs in elite zones like Realm of Damnation
  • Complete daily and weekly bounties and priorities
  • Run dungeons on higher difficulties
  • Participate in world events and Shadow War
  • Cash in XP capsules from weekly rewards
  • Maintain an XP boost whenever possible
  • Group up with others – XP is multiplied

Focus on repeatable activities versus one-time quests. Higher difficulties multiply XP gains significantly.

Best Paragon Level Stats

When allocating Paragon points, these stats are ideal for each class:

  • Barbarian – Strength > Vitality > Armor
  • Crusader – Strength > Fortitude > Vitality
  • Demon Hunter – Dexterity > Fortitude > Vitality
  • Monk – Dexterity > Focus > Vitality
  • Necromancer – Intelligence > Willpower > Vitality
  • Wizard – Intelligence > Willpower > Fortitude

Max out your main damage attribute first. Then boost defensive stats like Vitality. The third stat depends on class needs – Armor for Barb, Focus for Monk, etc.


How to Get Gear

Diablo Immortal showers you with gear through these acquisition methods:

  • Enemy drops – slaying monsters constantly rewards items
  • Quest rewards – complete story missions for guaranteed rares
  • Crafting – use materials to craft gear with random attributes
  • Gambling – gamble unwanted items to try for better gear
  • PvP vendors – purchase PvP legendaries with Battlegrounds currency
  • Crew run rewards – working together to clear dungeons
  • Elder Rifts – use crests to open rifts for set item drops
  • Helliquary raids – defeat uber versions of bosses for eternal legendaries
  • World events – limited-time events provide special loot

Best Gear for Each Class

The most powerful gear for each Diablo Immortal class includes:

  • Barbarian – Band of Might ring, Horde of the Ninety Savages set
  • Crusader – Mountain Crusher legendary, Madstone set
  • Demon Hunter – Dawn Blade bow, Odium set
  • Monk – The Tide fist weapon, Monkey King’s Garb set
  • Necromancer – Iron Rose wand, Grace of Flagellation set
  • Wizard – Etched Sigil source, Vithu’s Urgency set

Farm sources like Helliquary, Elder Rifts, and crew challenges that drop eternal legendaries and set items. Max out your weekly Battle Pass tiers.


How to Get Gems

Gems provide major attribute bonuses and are acquired in Diablo Immortal through:

Diablo Immortal ALL Legendary Gems Ranked
  • Elder Rift loot – chance to drop from completed rifts
  • Reward chests – adventure side objectives award chests with gems
  • Crew raid rewards – guaranteed gem in weekly crew run loot
  • Battle Pass – free and paid tracks award gems
  • Helliquary bosses – guaranteed gem from first daily clear
  • Merchant purchases – buy gems with hilts/eternal crest currency
  • Crest transmutation – convert crests into random gems

Best Gems for Each Class

The top gem recommendations for each Diablo Immortal class are:

  • Barbarian – Berserker’s Eye, Fervent Fang, Lightning Core
  • Crusader – Phoenix Ashes, Seled’s Weakening, Battleguard
  • Demon Hunter – Blessing of the Worthy, Wildfire, Frozen Heart
  • Monk – Blessing of the Worthy, Howler’s Call, Seeping Bile
  • Necromancer – Blood-soaked Jade, Everlasting Torment, Frozen Heart
  • Wizard – Power & Command, Seled’s Weakening, Fervent Fang

Match gem element types to skills for bonus damage. Prioritize legendary gems from Helliquary and pure 5-star gems from Elder Rifts.

Tips and Tricks

General Tips

How to Play Efficiently

Here are tips to maximize your time and progression in Diablo Immortal:

  • Always be completing bounties and side missions as you adventure and run dungeons. They provide big XP and loot rewards.
  • Make sure to collect your daily rewards for free items, gems, hilts, and crest drops. Set in-game reminders if needed.
  • Group up with others whenever possible – playing together multiplies XP gains, loot chances, and progression speed.
  • Prioritize weekly limited-time activities like crew runs, warbands, and bounties for their exclusive rewards.
  • Reroll secondary attributes at the jeweler for cheap attribute optimization on gear.
  • Upgrade rare items to legendries only during Gleaming Crest events for 10x value.
  • Cash in unused gray items at the antiquities dealer for helpful consumables.
  • Disassemble unused gems rather than selling for important crafting materials.
  • Purchase crest drops with hilts before spending on other items.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes

Some common Diablo Immortal mistakes to avoid include:

  • Forgetting to claim daily and weekly rewards
  • Ignoring important side objectives and bounties
  • Letting stamina cap out without spending it
  • Missing out on limited-time vendor offerings
  • Not grouping up to multiply farming efficiency
  • Failing to upgrade items before disassembling
  • Using real money to gamble instead of waiting for events
  • Not balancing primary stat with other attributes
  • Holding gems too long instead of upgrading or disassembling
  • Not keeping backup gear pieces for flexible builds

Class-Specific Tips

Barbarian Tips

  • Use Whirlwind to mow through enemies and get Fury stacks.
  • Time Ignore Pain for big damage spike attacks from bosses.
  • Always keep Wrath of the Berserker ready for elites and champions.
  • Stun enemies first before using Wrath to prevent interruption.
  • Change weapons and skills based on enemy resistances.

Crusader Tips

  • Use Condemn to debuff tightly packed enemy groups.
  • Cast Heaven’s Fury from safe range before engaging.
  • Hit-and-run with Spinning Shield for steady damage and shields.
  • Take advantage of enemy clumping with large AoE skills.
  • Swap to a 2-hander when soloing for bigger hits.

Demon Hunter Tips

  • Initiate fights with Rain of Vengeance or Vengeance for burst damage.
  • Vault away from charging enemies and ground hazards.
  • Lay down Sentries to provide supporting fire from afar.
  • Impale and Chakram do bonus damage to slowed enemies.
  • Take advantage of high ground for extended firing lines.

Monk Tips

  • Gather large groups together with Cyclone Strike for AoE.
  • Time Seven-Sided Strike to avoid deadly boss attacks.
  • Explode targets already affected by your Mystic Allies.
  • Use Lashing Tail Kick to drive enemies into environmental hazards.
  • Teleport frequently using Dashing Strike to avoid attacks.

Necromancer Tips

  • Have maximum skeletons summoned before engaging enemies.
  • Explode corpses with Corpse Explosion for huge damage.
  • Curse tough enemies to reduce resistance before nuking them.
  • Lead enemies through chokepoints to maximize scythe damage.
  • Teleport away from melee range enemies that break bone walls.

Wizard Tips

  • Freeze enemies solid with Ray of Frost before unloading damage combos.
  • Teleport past enemies to reposition before they can swarm you.
  • Make sure Arcane Power is full before starting boss fights.
  • Hydra auto-turrets provide steady damage from a distance.
  • Stun dangerous enemies with Arcane Wind to prevent one-shots.

Endgame Tips

How to Progress Through the Endgame

Once you’ve completed the Diablo Immortal story and hit the level 60 cap, here are tips to keep advancing:

  • Farm Helliquary raid bosses daily for guaranteed gem drops
  • Run Elder Rifts on the highest difficulty you can handle for legendary gear
  • Complete weekly bounties, contracts, and crew challenges
  • Push to higher Challenge Rift levels for better progression rewards
  • Upgrade your gear with enchanted dust and scrap material farming
  • Participate in world events like Kion’s Ordeal for exclusive loot
  • Unlock higher difficulty dungeons and raids through Helliquary
  • Craft new legendries using ember collected from various sources

Best Endgame Activities

The most rewarding daily and weekly endgame activities in Diablo Immortal include:

  • Helliquary Raids – chance for eternal legendaries
  • Elder Rifts – efficient legendary and gem farming
  • Crew Challenge Rifts – work together for guaranteed set items
  • Path of Blood – solo challenge gauntlet with increasing rewards
  • Warband Raids – coordinate raids with your warband
  • Daily/Weekly Contracts and Bounties – pile up progression rewards
  • Cycle of Strife – contribute to your faction in the PvP war
  • Challenge Rifts – rankings provide crafting materials

Focus on maxing out daily and weekly objectives first before farming.


What Can You Buy with Real Money?

While Diablo Immortal is free-to-play, there are options to spend real money:

  • Eternal Orbs – premium currency used to purchase items directly
  • Empowered Battle Pass – upgraded pass with greatly increased rewards
  • Crests – consumables to open Elder Rifts of all types
  • Reforging Stones – reroll gear attributes without spending scrap material
  • Combat Rating Boosts – temporarily increase character power
  • Cosmetics – wings, pets, portraits and other visual customizations

Outside of the Battle Pass, all monetization is optional. Free players have access to the same gear.

Is Diablo Immortal Pay-to-Win?

With no direct power for sale, Diablo Immortal is designed to not be pay-to-win. However, spending money provides progression advantages:

  • Buying crests infinitely lets you run Elder Rifts for the best loot.
  • Extra legendary crests mean more shots at 5-star gems over time.
  • Empowered Battle Pass accelerates gear acquisition tremendously.
  • Reforging stones allow endless gear rerolls to perfect attributes.
  • Combat rating boosts help push higher challenge rifts for rewards.

Ultimately, spending allows faster gear improvement to tackle endgame content sooner. But grinding as a free player will yield the same gear eventually.

Pros and Cons of Diablo Immortal


  • Excellent port of Diablo gameplay to mobile
  • Huge amount of content and progression systems
  • Visually impressive, high production values
  • Surprisingly deep gear optimization and theorycrafting
  • Social experience with shared world activities

-Familiar and fun combat loop of slaying demons for loot


  • Aggressive monetization and confusion around pay-to-win
  • Potentially repetitive endgame grind for incremental gains
  • Not balanced or optimized for controller play
  • Requires online connection to play
  • Loot randomness means chasing specific drops takes luck

Overall, Diablo Immortal excels at bringing the beloved ARPG gameplay of the franchise to phones and tablets. The progression systems provide tons of depth for min-maxing your build. While the monetization causes some consternation, the core gameplay loop itself remains as satisfying and addictive as ever.

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